AppScriptGroup QML Type

Import Statement: import .



Detailed Description

AppScriptGroup hold a group of AppScript objects which are mutually exclusive in execution. Whatever a AppScript is going to start, it will terminate all other AppScript objects. So that only one AppScript is running at a time.

Item {

    AppScript {
        id: script1
        script: {
            // write script here

    AppScript {
        id: script2
        script: {
            // write script here

    AppScriptGroup {
        scripts: [script1, script2]

    Component.onCompleted: {;;

        // At this point, AppScriptGroup will force script1 to terminate since script2 has been started.



Property Documentation

scripts : array

This property hold an array of AppScript object. They are mutually exclusive in execution.

AppScript {
    id: script1

AppScript {
    id: script2

AppScriptGroup {
    scripts: [script1, script2]

Method Documentation


Terminate all AppScript objects