The original Kanban plugin for Joplin has been archived, leaving users without further updates. While the suggested alternative, YesYouKan, offers a different approach, its use cases don’t fully align with the needs of existing users. To bridge this gap, I’ve forked the original plugin to create KanMug, bringing bug fixes and new features while maintaining compatibility with existing Kanban boards.

Why Fork the Project?

I need this plugin for my daily routine. 😊

Why not maintain the old repository to centralize resources?


Just imagine you are running an open-source project, and somebody suddenly sends a PR to refactor your code with any discussion? Would you accept it? If it were me, I would have doubts and might not want such a PR.

Forking the project gives me the freedom to do whatever I want with the code, as the original project has already been archived.

What’s New in KanMug?

New Features

  • Drag-and-Drop to Create Notes: Easily add notes to the Kanban board by dragging them from Joplin’s note list.
  • Dynamic New Note Titles: Automatically generate note titles using templates and dates (e.g., “Task for 02/01”).
  • Quick Access to Kanban Configuration: Clicking the Kanban title opens the configuration note.
  • Refresh Button: Quickly update the board with a single click.


  • Better Kanban Board Switching: Reduces unnecessary close/open operations.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Markdown Table Rendering: Prevents title formatting issues.

Get Involved

KanMug is actively maintained, and feedback is welcome! If you encounter issues or have feature suggestions, please open an issue on GitHub.

You can install KanMug directly from Joplin’s plugin settings.






而且必須要在決定進行,到燃燒殆盡之前完成這項工作,不然,就沒有然後了。 目前已經發布了三次更新,除了新增一堆功能外,最關鍵的改良在於速度的顯著提升。過去,當筆記數量較多時,搬動筆記可能需要數秒甚至更久的處理時間,而現在幾乎可以即時完成,切換Kanban也不會出現惱人的閃爍問題。


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