
Joplin Kanban KanMug Plugin

This a plugin for the note taking app Joplin, which adds a flexible kanban board view for your notes, to help you organize your tasks.

KanMug is a fork of the deprecated Joplin Kanban Plugin with significant improvements and new features. It provides a flexible Kanban board view for organizing tasks efficiently.



DDDot is a Joplin plugin to provide a set of tools like recent notes, shortcuts, scratchpad, daily note, random note, and …. in a single sidebar.

Project Site: Joplin DDDot Project


Type @@ anywhere in your note and select the note to link in the drop down menu.

GitHub - roman-r-m/joplin-plugin-quick-links

Type “|||” anywhere in your note and select the note to link in the drop down menu to create bidirectional link

It is a fork of the Quick Links for offering bidirectional link ability

Combine Notes

Plugin to combine one or more notes to a new one.

JackGruber/joplin-plugin-combine-notes: Joplin plugin to combine one or more notes to a new one.

Convert Text to New Note

This simple plugin turns text or block of text into new note under active folder.


Link Graph UIs

This Joplin plugin provides a UI for viewing all links between Joplin notes.

treymo/joplin-link-graph: UI for viewing connections between different Joplin notes


Embed Search

This is new plugin that allows to embed links returned for any search!

Embed any search - with content! - Plugins - Joplin Forum

Example Usage:

title: "joplin"
content: true
notebook: this

Browser Extension


MemoInjo is a browser extension that sticks a memo on any website and edit/sync via Joplin. Simply press the icon of MemoInjo at the extension toolbar (top-right corner) in Chrome. It will show a memo editor for the browsing website. You may create a summary or a task list associated with a website easily.

Project Site: benlau/memoinjo: Stick memo on any website




A Chrome extension that could copy browser link in markdown format.

Screenshot 2022-10-11 at 1.41.13 AM.png

Kifier - Chrome Web Store


Many modern apps support app links, allowing users to open specific content directly. However, these links often have a problem: they are not supported by other apps, making it impossible to click and open them quickly. Cross-linking between applications is not as trivial as it may seem.

The IAnyLink project is designed to solve this problem. It can convert app links into regular web links (pretending an universal link)

benlau/ianylink: IAnyLink - Convert App Links to Universal Web Links


Markdown Template

4 Days Planner

  • 4 Days Planner Markdown Template

4 Weeks Planner

  • 4 Weeks Planner Markdown Template

Architecture Decision Record Template

  • ADR Record Template